💥 ERROR | 🔥 FAIL | ⚠️ WARN | ⏩ SKIP | ℹ️ INFO | ✔️ PASS |
0 | 28 | 30 | 441 | 27 | 298 |
0% | 4% | 5% | 67% | 4% | 45% |
Note: The following loglevels were omitted in this report: SKIP, INFO, PASS, DEBUG
Style name used in "fonts/otf/Rena.otf" is not canonical. You should rebuild the font using any of the following style names: "Thin", "ExtraLight", "Light", "Regular", "Medium", "SemiBold", "Bold", "ExtraBold", "Black", "Thin Italic", "ExtraLight Italic", "Light Italic", "Italic", "Medium Italic", "SemiBold Italic", "Bold Italic", "ExtraBold Italic", "Black Italic". [code: bad-static-filename]
Style name used in "fonts/ttf/Rena.ttf" is not canonical. You should rebuild the font using any of the following style names: "Thin", "ExtraLight", "Light", "Regular", "Medium", "SemiBold", "Bold", "ExtraBold", "Black", "Thin Italic", "ExtraLight Italic", "Light Italic", "Italic", "Medium Italic", "SemiBold Italic", "Bold Italic", "ExtraBold Italic", "Black Italic". [code: bad-static-filename]
In this font fsType is set to 4 meaning that: The font may be embedded, and temporarily loaded on the remote system, but documents that use it must not be editable.
No such DRM restrictions can be enabled on the Google Fonts collection, so the fsType field must be set to zero (Installable Embedding) instead. [code: drm]
In this font fsType is set to 4 meaning that: The font may be embedded, and temporarily loaded on the remote system, but documents that use it must not be editable.
No such DRM restrictions can be enabled on the Google Fonts collection, so the fsType field must be set to zero (Installable Embedding) instead. [code: drm]
OS/2 VendorID value 'NONE' is not yet recognized. If you registered it recently, then it's safe to ignore this warning message. Otherwise, you should set it to your own unique 4 character code, and register it with Microsoft at https://www.microsoft.com/typography/links/vendorlist.aspx [code: unknown]
OS/2 VendorID value 'NONE' is not yet recognized. If you registered it recently, then it's safe to ignore this warning message. Otherwise, you should set it to your own unique 4 character code, and register it with Microsoft at https://www.microsoft.com/typography/links/vendorlist.aspx [code: unknown]
OS/2 VendorID value 'NONE' is not yet recognized. If you registered it recently, then it's safe to ignore this warning message. Otherwise, you should set it to your own unique 4 character code, and register it with Microsoft at https://www.microsoft.com/typography/links/vendorlist.aspx [code: unknown]
OS/2 VendorID value 'NONE' is not yet recognized. If you registered it recently, then it's safe to ignore this warning message. Otherwise, you should set it to your own unique 4 character code, and register it with Microsoft at https://www.microsoft.com/typography/links/vendorlist.aspx [code: unknown]
Missing required codepoints: 0x0021 (EXCLAMATION MARK), 0x0022 (QUOTATION MARK), 0x0023 (NUMBER SIGN), 0x0024 (DOLLAR SIGN) and 143 more. [code: missing-codepoints]
Missing required codepoints: 0x0021 (EXCLAMATION MARK), 0x0022 (QUOTATION MARK), 0x0023 (NUMBER SIGN), 0x0024 (DOLLAR SIGN) and 143 more. [code: missing-codepoints]
First line in license file does not match expected format: "copyright 20** the my font project authors (https://github.com/googlefonts/my-font-repository)"
First line in license file does not match expected format: "copyright 20** the my font project authors (https://github.com/googlefonts/my-font-repository)"
First line in license file does not match expected format: "copyright 20** the my font project authors (https://github.com/googlefonts/my-font-repository)"
First line in license file does not match expected format: "copyright 20** the my font project authors (https://github.com/googlefonts/my-font-repository)"
Font lacks NameID 13 (LICENSE DESCRIPTION). A proper licensing entry must be set. [code: missing]
Font lacks NameID 13 (LICENSE DESCRIPTION). A proper licensing entry must be set. [code: missing]
The NameID.VERSION_STRING (nameID=5) value must follow the pattern "Version X.Y" with X.Y greater than or equal to 1.000. Current version string is: "Version 0.000" [code: bad-version-strings]
The NameID.VERSION_STRING (nameID=5) value must follow the pattern "Version X.Y" with X.Y greater than or equal to 1.000. Current version string is: "Version 0.000; ttfautohint (v1.8.3)" [code: bad-version-strings]
ttfautohint used in font = 1.8.3; latest = 1.8.4; Need to re-run with the newer version! [code: old-ttfa]
This check inspects the glyph outlines and detects the total number of contours in each of them. The expected values are infered from the typical ammounts of contours observed in a large collection of reference font families. The divergences listed below may simply indicate a significantly different design on some of your glyphs. On the other hand, some of these may flag actual bugs in the font such as glyphs mapped to an incorrect codepoint. Please consider reviewing the design and codepoint assignment of these to make sure they are correct.
The following glyphs do not have the recommended number of contours:
Glyph name: ampersand Contours detected: 0 Expected: 1, 2 or 3 Glyph name: slash Contours detected: 0 Expected: 1 Glyph name: zero Contours detected: 0 Expected: 2 or 3 Glyph name: one Contours detected: 0 Expected: 1 Glyph name: two Contours detected: 0 Expected: 1 Glyph name: three Contours detected: 0 Expected: 1 Glyph name: four Contours detected: 0 Expected: 1 or 2 Glyph name: five Contours detected: 0 Expected: 1 Glyph name: six Contours detected: 0 Expected: 1 or 2 Glyph name: seven Contours detected: 0 Expected: 1 Glyph name: eight Contours detected: 0 Expected: 3 Glyph name: nine Contours detected: 0 Expected: 1 or 2 Glyph name: at Contours detected: 0 Expected: 2 Glyph name: Q Contours detected: 1 Expected: 2 Glyph name: Q Contours detected: 1 Expected: 2 Glyph name: ampersand Contours detected: 0 Expected: 1, 2 or 3 Glyph name: at Contours detected: 0 Expected: 2 Glyph name: eight Contours detected: 0 Expected: 3 Glyph name: five Contours detected: 0 Expected: 1 Glyph name: four Contours detected: 0 Expected: 1 or 2 Glyph name: nine Contours detected: 0 Expected: 1 or 2 Glyph name: one Contours detected: 0 Expected: 1 Glyph name: seven Contours detected: 0 Expected: 1 Glyph name: six Contours detected: 0 Expected: 1 or 2 Glyph name: slash Contours detected: 0 Expected: 1 Glyph name: three Contours detected: 0 Expected: 1 Glyph name: two Contours detected: 0 Expected: 1 Glyph name: zero Contours detected: 0 Expected: 2 or 3 [code: contour-count]
GPOS table lacks kerning info for the following non-ligated sequences: - f + f - f + i - i + f - f + l - l + f - i + l
[code: lacks-kern-info]
GPOS table lacks kerning info for the following non-ligated sequences: - f + f - f + i - i + f - f + l - l + f - i + l
[code: lacks-kern-info]
fsSelection bit 7 needs to be enabled because the family on Google Fonts has it enabled. [code: bad-fsselection-bit7]
Rena Regular: OS/2 sTypoAscender is 768 when it should be 935 [code: bad-typo-ascender]
Rena Regular: OS/2 sTypoDescender is -256 when it should be -250 [code: bad-typo-descender]
Rena Regular: hhea Ascender is 944 when it should be 935 [code: bad-hhea-ascender]
Rena Regular: hhea Descender is -256 when it should be -250 [code: bad-hhea-descender]
fsSelection bit 7 needs to be enabled because the family on Google Fonts has it enabled. [code: bad-fsselection-bit7]
Rena Regular: OS/2 sTypoAscender is 768 when it should be 935 [code: bad-typo-ascender]
Rena Regular: OS/2 sTypoDescender is -256 when it should be -250 [code: bad-typo-descender]
Rena Regular: hhea Ascender is 944 when it should be 935 [code: bad-hhea-ascender]
Rena Regular: hhea Descender is -256 when it should be -250 [code: bad-hhea-descender]
OS/2.fsSelection bit 7 (USE_TYPO_METRICS) wasNOT set in the following fonts: ['fonts/otf/Rena.otf', 'fonts/ttf/Rena.ttf']. [code: missing-os2-fsselection-bit7]
OS/2.fsSelection bit 7 (USE_TYPO_METRICS) wasNOT set in the following fonts: ['fonts/otf/Rena.otf', 'fonts/ttf/Rena.ttf']. [code: missing-os2-fsselection-bit7]
OS/2.fsSelection bit 7 (USE_TYPO_METRICS) wasNOT set in the following fonts: ['fonts/otf/Rena.otf', 'fonts/ttf/Rena.ttf']. [code: missing-os2-fsselection-bit7]
OS/2.fsSelection bit 7 (USE_TYPO_METRICS) wasNOT set in the following fonts: ['fonts/otf/Rena.otf', 'fonts/ttf/Rena.ttf']. [code: missing-os2-fsselection-bit7]
This font file does not have a 'meta' table. [code: lacks-meta-table]
This font file does not have a 'meta' table. [code: lacks-meta-table]
This font file does not have a 'meta' table. [code: lacks-meta-table]
This font file does not have a 'meta' table. [code: lacks-meta-table]
Not all fonts passed in the command line are in the same directory. This may lead to bad results as the tool will interpret all font files as belonging to a single font family. The detected directories are: ['fonts/otf', 'fonts/variable', 'fonts/ttf'] [code: single-directory]
sTypoAscender is not the same across the family: Rena Regular: 768 Rubik Light Italic: 935 Rubik Light: 935 [code: sTypoAscender-mismatch]
sTypoDescender is not the same across the family: Rena Regular: -256 Rubik Light Italic: -250 Rubik Light: -250 [code: sTypoDescender-mismatch]
sTypoLineGap is not the same across the family: Rena Regular: 176 Rubik Light Italic: 0 Rubik Light: 0 [code: sTypoLineGap-mismatch]
usWinAscent is not the same across the family: Rena Regular: 944 Rubik Light Italic: 945 Rubik Light: 945 [code: usWinAscent-mismatch]
usWinDescent is not the same across the family: Rena Regular: 256 Rubik Light Italic: 307 Rubik Light: 307 [code: usWinDescent-mismatch]
ascent is not the same across the family: Rena Regular: 944 Rubik Light Italic: 935 Rubik Light: 935 [code: ascent-mismatch]
descent is not the same across the family: Rena Regular: -256 Rubik Light Italic: -250 Rubik Light: -250 [code: descent-mismatch]
OS/2.usWinDescent value should be equal or greater than 290, but got 256 instead. [code: descent]
OS/2.usWinDescent value should be equal or greater than 290, but got 256 instead. [code: descent]
OS/2 sTypoAscender (768) and hhea ascent (944) must be equal. [code: ascender]
OS/2 sTypoAscender (768) and hhea ascent (944) must be equal. [code: ascender]
Glyph '.notdef' should contain a drawing, but it is empty. [code: empty]
Whitespace glyph missing for codepoint 0x00A0. [code: missing-whitespace-glyph-0x00A0]
Whitespace glyph missing for codepoint 0x00A0. [code: missing-whitespace-glyph-0x00A0]
Version info differs among font files of the same font project. These were the version values found:
OS/2 sTypoLineGap is not equal to 0. [code: OS/2]
OS/2 sTypoLineGap is not equal to 0. [code: OS/2]
This font has a digital signature (DSIG table) which is only required - even if only a dummy placeholder - on old programs like MS Office 2013 in order to work properly. The current recommendation is to completely remove the DSIG table. [code: found-DSIG]
This font has a digital signature (DSIG table) which is only required - even if only a dummy placeholder - on old programs like MS Office 2013 in order to work properly. The current recommendation is to completely remove the DSIG table. [code: found-DSIG]
This font has a digital signature (DSIG table) which is only required - even if only a dummy placeholder - on old programs like MS Office 2013 in order to work properly. The current recommendation is to completely remove the DSIG table. [code: found-DSIG]
This font has a digital signature (DSIG table) which is only required - even if only a dummy placeholder - on old programs like MS Office 2013 in order to work properly. The current recommendation is to completely remove the DSIG table. [code: found-DSIG]
GPOS table lacks kerning information. [code: lacks-kern-info]
GPOS table lacks kerning information. [code: lacks-kern-info]
The following glyphs have on-curve points which have potentially incorrect y coordinates: * B (U+0042): X=56.0,Y=-1.0 (should be at baseline 0?) * D (U+0044): X=56.0,Y=-1.0 (should be at baseline 0?) * P (U+0050): X=56.0,Y=-1.0 (should be at baseline 0?) * R (U+0052): X=56.0,Y=-1.0 (should be at baseline 0?) * p (U+0070): X=108.0,Y=-257.0 (should be at descender -256?) * u (U+0075): X=422.0,Y=-1.0 (should be at baseline 0?) and v (U+0076): X=373.0,Y=513.0 (should be at x-height 512?) [code: found-misalignments]
The following glyphs have on-curve points which have potentially incorrect y coordinates: * parenleft (U+0028): X=288.0,Y=698.5 (should be at cap-height 700?) * parenright (U+0029): X=199.0,Y=698.0 (should be at cap-height 700?) * one (U+0031): X=342.0,Y=699.0 (should be at cap-height 700?) * at (U+0040): X=645.0,Y=-1.5 (should be at baseline 0?) * J (U+004A): X=140.5,Y=2.0 (should be at baseline 0?) * m (U+006D): X=266.5,Y=522.0 (should be at x-height 520?) * braceright (U+007D): X=296.5,Y=699.5 (should be at cap-height 700?) * questiondown (U+00BF): X=197.0,Y=-2.0 (should be at baseline 0?) * oslash (U+00F8): X=15.0,Y=1.0 (should be at baseline 0?) * aogonek (U+0105): X=326.0,Y=2.0 (should be at baseline 0?) and 37 more. [code: found-misalignments]
The following glyphs have on-curve points which have potentially incorrect y coordinates: * parenleft (U+0028): X=204.0,Y=698.5 (should be at cap-height 700?) * parenright (U+0029): X=115.0,Y=698.5 (should be at cap-height 700?) * one (U+0031): X=263.0,Y=699.0 (should be at cap-height 700?) * at (U+0040): X=694.5,Y=-1.5 (should be at baseline 0?) * J (U+004A): X=196.0,Y=2.0 (should be at baseline 0?) * c (U+0063): X=353.5,Y=-0.5 (should be at baseline 0?) * braceright (U+007D): X=197.0,Y=699.5 (should be at cap-height 700?) * questiondown (U+00BF): X=97.0,Y=-2.0 (should be at baseline 0?) * aogonek (U+0105): X=445.0,Y=1.0 (should be at baseline 0?) * cacute (U+0107): X=353.5,Y=-0.5 (should be at baseline 0?) and 23 more. [code: found-misalignments]
The following glyphs have on-curve points which have potentially incorrect y coordinates: * B (U+0042): X=56.0,Y=-1.0 (should be at baseline 0?) * D (U+0044): X=56.0,Y=-1.0 (should be at baseline 0?) * O (U+004F): X=142.0,Y=1.5 (should be at baseline 0?) * P (U+0050): X=56.0,Y=-1.0 (should be at baseline 0?) * R (U+0052): X=56.0,Y=-1.0 (should be at baseline 0?) * a (U+0061): X=240.0,Y=1.5 (should be at baseline 0?) * b (U+0062): X=225.0,Y=0.5 (should be at baseline 0?) * m (U+006D): X=319.0,Y=512.5 (should be at x-height 512?) * p (U+0070): X=108.0,Y=-257.0 (should be at descender -256?) * u (U+0075): X=422.0,Y=-1.0 (should be at baseline 0?) and v (U+0076): X=373.0,Y=513.0 (should be at x-height 512?) [code: found-misalignments]
The following glyphs have colinear vectors: * v (U+0076): L<<252.0,142.0>--<247.0,159.0>> -> L<<247.0,159.0>--<136.0,504.0>> [code: found-colinear-vectors]
The following glyphs have colinear vectors: * v (U+0076): L<<136.0,504.0>--<247.0,159.0>> -> L<<247.0,159.0>--<252.0,142.0>> [code: found-colinear-vectors]
The following glyphs have semi-vertical/semi-horizontal lines:
The following glyphs have semi-vertical/semi-horizontal lines: